Our Services in Agriculture Sector


Advantages of digester based technologies:

1.  It sterilises the waste at temp. upto140 deg C to give a fully sterilized (pathogen-free)  stable product                        which can be bagged and sold.   

  1. The Technology Eliminates environment pollution as well as risk of ground water  contamination. It eliminates risk of pathogen and phyto toxic releases into soil.
  2. It recycles the organic contents & the nutrients (N,P, K) available in layer manure. It   allows nutrients in the manure to be re- cycled by soil for plant growth
  3. It gives a stable, bagable, dry product in shortest time. The final product is very   useful as Organic fertiliser.    
  4. This Technology is safe to be installed & operated near the layer farms. That saves transport cost. it is a more Effective and profitable option than any other method.  

Waste from Hatcheries:

A commercial hatchery produces LIVE chicks in every hatch. Apart from chicks, It also produces   huge quantity of waste which is its natural bye- product. Hatcheries are expanding as the Poultry sector is expanding. So also the waste from hatcheries. This waste includes  Egg Shells, unhatched eggs, rejected embryos etc. This hatchery waste poses the risk of polluting environment unless it is disposed off safely. Proper handling & processing of this waste will not only saves environment but also gives a useful bye-


In  recent  years,  the  cost  of  labour,  transport,  disposal  has increased.  The  pollution  control  regulations  have  made  it mandatory  for  hatcheries  to  find  sustainable  solution  for waste  management.  Technology  that  can  process  this

waste safely is the urgent need of hour.

There  are  different  options  to  manage  hatchery wasteIncinerate, Compost, rendering etc.   Each option has certain cost. The option chosen to manage waste will determine whether the

waste management will mean best  additional cost or some addl. Revenue.

Technology that eliminates waste:

One of the most suitable option for hatcheries is rendering through the latest Digestor based Technology. This Technology converts Hatchery waste   to make hatchery (waste) meal. This technology makes Hatchery meal completely sterilized & pathogen-free while retaining its protein. The finished Hatchery meal is rich in Protein, fat and nutrients. It can be used

either as Premium Organic fertilizer or animal feed.

Salient Features of Our Technology:

  1. Efficient odour control system that eliminates odour and air pollution.
  2.  Robust built machinery, designed for safe operations over many years.
  3. Advanced Technology backed by 5 decades of engineering experience.

Main Specifications :

Different Models

250 kg                       –  Direct fired

500kg                        –  Steam heated

Fuel                           –  Wood, Coal, Diesel

Input                        –  All Hatchery Waste

Out put-Product   –  Hatchery by Product meal (HBM)

Digestor Model E 250 E 500
Suitable for 20,000 Hatch 40,000 Hatch
Time taken 4 – 6 hrs
Waste cap. 250 kg 500 kg
Out put – Qty 100 kg 200 kg
Power required 9 hp (7 kw) 12 hp (9 kw)
Shed –  . 10x20x10′ ht 20x30x 14′ ht

Waste from Layer Farms:

Fresh manure is a natural organic by-product of the livestock sector. Fresh manure is an excellent source of fertiliser because it contains Nitrogen, Phosporous, Potassium & other crop nutrients. However poultry manure cannot be used in its raw form. The Layer fresh manure (LFM) contains 75-84% water. LFM is a big nuisance world-wide as it is the breeding site for flies & source of ammonia odour pollution. Flies are the cause of major health problems in areas & communities surrounding Layer farms. Manure   management   has   become  most important  aspect  of  Layer  farm  due  to stringent  pollution control  measure implemented by government. Technology  that  can  process  this manure is most urgent need of the   hour for sustaining operations at Layer farms.

Technology that eliminates waste:

Layer manure is rich in crop Nutrients like N,P,K. Poultry manure contains highest Nitrogen content as compared to other manures. Its polluting influence minimised and it’s utility maximised by

processing it into Organic fertiliser.

One of the most suitable option for processing Layer farm manure is the Digestor based Technology which adopts HTST process This technology makes Layer manure into completely dry, baggable powder / Pellet form while retaining its nutrients. The dried product can be used as Premium grade Organic fertiliser that can be stored

and used. This enables re-cycling of important nutrients (N,P,K).

Salient Features of Our Technology:

1.Starts with fresh manure in ‘as available’ condition from farm. No pre-drying to reduce water before loading.

2.Efficient Vacuum drying system which eliminates

Odour and air pollution.

3.Robust built machinery, designed for safe operations over many years.

Main Specifications :

Different Models

Boiler Fuel               – Wood, coal, Diesel

Input                         – Fresh Manure 7580% Water

Output                     – Baggable, Ready to use, Organic Fertiliser,

                                  10 to 20% Moisture

Plant model           – 10 MT/Day              20 MT/day

Capacity based on –  24 hr/day                24 hrs/day

Waste-(25% dm)    – 10 MT/day              20 MT/day

Output-20% Moist – 3 MT/day                  6 MT/day

Infrastructure    – 200 m2 & 35 hp               250 m2 & 50 hp

Waste from Slaughter house of chicken:

Slaughter / Dressing of chicken for meat is an extention of Broiler farm activity. It results in separation of non-edible portions such as head, feet, feathers, offals etc from the edible meat portion.

Offals etc : Waste being biological residue tends to putrify & become rancid creating air and ground pollution & nuisance. The pathogens from this waste become pollutants if un-treated. Hence disposal becomes an urgent necessity.

dry fat : Slaughter of chicken also results in separation of body fat ( about 3.5% of live wt.) Fat is not edible but can be used for extraction of Oil which is commercially useful Slaughter of 10,000 birds results in approx.550 kg

of fat.

Technology that eliminates waste:

Slaughter waste can be rich source of Animal protein & fat if processed. Effective processing ( Rendering ) of this waste can give a sterilised, pathogen free Meat meal that can be used in poultry feed or pet food products..

Proper processing of fat can give commercial quality oil which can be used as flavouring and agent in pet foods.

Salient Features of Our Technology:

  1. Starts with non-edible waste like Head, feet, feathers, intestine etc.in non-rancid condition.
  2. Efficient Hydrolising of feathers and drying of material which eliminates  Odour  and  a pollution.
  1. Robust built  machinery,  designed  for safe operations over many years.

Main Specifications :

Different models   – From 250 kg / batch to 3500 kg / batch

Data for                  – 2,000 kgs /2 MT per batch ( ie. 6 MT / day)

Boiler fuel              – Wood, coal, diesel

Input                      – All waste from slaughter – approx. 2 MT / batch ( ie. 6 MT / day) 

Output                   – Steriliased Meat meal – Approx. 600 Kg / Batch

Product quality   – Meat meal containing 55 % Protein & 20% Fat

Process time        – 8 hours

Infrastructure     – 25 x 40 x 20 ft ht. Shed, 50 hp power etc.